4 Vital Considerations When Investing in Custom Drain Grates

22 June 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When purchasing an item, it's imperative to determine its usefulness, importance and need, whether custom or not. Likewise, custom drain grates are no exception. The open drainage around your home or property might seem harmless but can pose a considerable risk when left open. Custom drain grates come in different shapes and sizes. When choosing these grates, you should ensure you pick the correct types to make the most out of them. Here are essential considerations when selecting custom drain grates. 

Drain Size Compatibility

While you can find standard-sized drain widths, not all are the same. Today, most manufacturers produce custom drain grates with unique sizing. Others have their grates fitting to specific drain channels. Dealing with one manufacturer is crucial to ensure your custom drain grates fit appropriately according to predefined specifications. Additionally, such grates will not be compatible with drains acquired from different manufacturers. 

The Weight or Load Class

Since most drain grates are designed for roads or paths, you must consider their weight or load class. Generally, there are various load class standards, but the popular ones include galvanized drain grates. These grate types are resistant to rust, extreme temperatures, moisture, dirt and constant stress.  

The Purpose of the Drain Grate

Trench or linear drain grates are often designed based on gravity. Channel grates must be positioned at locations where surface water will drain. They generally drain the water along their length since they feature enclosed channels covered with an appropriate grate. The primary purpose of channel grates is to direct water from a specific location to eliminate flooding and water stagnation. Furthermore, they minimize the stress exerted on systems by controlling water flow. 

The Material Options 

There are numerous materials you can pick for your custom drain grates. Each of these materials has different durability, strength and pricing. The three common materials used for custom drain grates include plastic, galvanized and stainless steel. 

Plastic channel grates are the least costly but the weakest among the three. They are popularly used in decks, interior drains or pool sides. One bottleneck about plastic channel grates is that they quickly fade, peel or splint. On the other hand, galvanized channel grates popularly feature in industrial or municipal setups. They have excellent load-bearing capabilities and can withstand heavy impacts.

Lastly, stainless-steel channel grates might be expensive but are highly durable for places like patios, bathtubs and shower rooms. They are ideal when looking for seamless compatibility with your interior design. Additionally, they are corrosion resistant and aesthetically pleasing. 

Contact a manufacturer for more information about custom grates
